HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 5 no. 7 (2022)

Experiences of Science Teachers Under Spiral Progression Approach

Eddie Manzano

Discipline: Education



This phenomenological research explored science teachers' views under the spiral progression approach. There were a total of five (5) science teachers with different specializations who voluntarily participated in the study. The findings of the study indicate varied views towards teaching science areas considering their field of specialization. Following the phenomenological reduction, cool and warm data analyses, three themes emerged from science teachers' views vis-à-vis teaching all science areas. In science teachers' views, personal aptitude, knowing the limits, and support mechanisms are essential in providing quality science instruction. The study revealed that teachers were competent in teaching their fields of expertise. They also viewed that despite their competence, limitations were identified, such as difficulty understanding concepts unrelated to their expertise. Thus, they provide support mechanisms to surpass constraints. The identified subthemes were peer tutorial/mentoring, team teaching, and self-initiative. These views and mechanisms boost confidence and competence when teaching beyond expertise during science instruction.


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