Anti Fungal Property of Calabash, Crescentia Cujete, Fruit in Bread Molds
Fernando Rampola Jr. | Hanissa Baraguir
Discipline: Education
Fungal growth is the most frequent cause of spoilage in bread products. To prevent economic losses
associated with spoilage, producers or the bread industry is now looking for alternatives that are plant
derived sources to the currently used preservatives. This study evaluated the antifungal property of
the calabash fruit Crescentia cujete extract at 100, 75 and 50%concentration on the growth of fungi
causing bread spoilage. Complete Randomized Design was used in three petri plates containing a
pure culture of bread molds that was subjected to 100, 75 and 50% concentrations of C. cujete extract,
and acetic acid as the control employing the Kirby-Bauer Disc Diffusion technique. There was a
significant difference (P<0.05) in the antifungal property of C. cujete extract (100, 75 and 50%) and
the acetic acid on the growth of fungi in bread. However, there were no significant differences
(P>0.05) between these three concentrations. The fruit extract of C. cujete at various concentrations
and control treatments against bread molds showed weak antifungal activity. Although the fruit extract
of the C.cujete showed weak antifungal activity, this implies that it has a potential to be developed as
an antifungal agent against bread molds. Further study is necessary to determine the optimum
concentration of the fruit extract that can inhibit the fungal growth in bread products.
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