HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 6 no. 2 (2022)

Stories of Significant Others of the Adolescents with Self-Injurious Behaviors

Grace Sulleza

Discipline: Education



Self-injurious behavior (SIB) is widespread phenomenon nowadays. This causes a lot of concern, anxieties and worries among the significant others-parents/guardians or siblings of those who practice it. Definitely, this challenging situation had an effect on their lives. This qualitative study explored the lived–experiences of significant others of adolescents with SIB. The varied stories narrated by the participants through an in-depth individual interview revealed their experiences--problems and challenges, their coping mechanisms, views, and perspectives for their SIB adolescents. Fears, worries, and anxieties repeatedly beset them as they faced the challenging situation. The feeling of inadequacy in handling the SIB of their adolescents seems to cause them a lot of distress which at times overwhelm them. They were always on guard and anxious of the recurrence of self-injury and were so afraid of the worst that might happen--suicide. Common experiences of the participants upon learning the SIB practice of their adolescents were disbelief and being burdened, helplessness and powerlessness, as well as fear, worry and anxiety. In view of these feelings, they tried to cope by showing their love and support and “being with them, ”giving “extra patience and understanding,” “full dose of love, and respect,” “to never give up,” on them and “entrusting and committing to the Lord.” Thus, inspite of the difficulty of handling the situation, they were still very hopeful and view life in a positive light even as they look at the SIB practice of their adolescents as life threatening. Consistent with the Filipino values, they put premium on the family for it is be the main source of healing both for the self- injurious adolescent as well as the significant others.


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