HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 14 no. 4 (2023)

Level of Influence of Recorded Video Lesson to Learners’ Academic Performance in English

Rowela Huilar | Myra Ambalong

Discipline: Education



The Iligan City East National High School, Sta. Filomena students who were taking the Basic Education Curriculum, the Special Program in the Arts Curriculum, and the Science Curriculum in grade 8 were the subjects of the study. This aimed to determine the degree of influence of the recorded video lessons on learners' academic performance in English. Data were collected from students enrolled in the school year 2021–2022, who were exposed to recorded video courses and who were enrolled in the Basic Education Curriculum (BEC), Special Program in the Arts (SPA), and Science Curriculum (Sci Cur). The extent to which the recorded video lessons affected students' academic performance in English was investigated and documented. The substantial association between academic achievement and the recorded video courses in English was discovered using the quantitative descriptive-correlational study method. The third quarter's academic achievement in English was significantly correlated with the level of influence of the recorded video courses, according to the findings. Lesson engagement, cognitive development, and lesson application among learners were all moderately influenced. This suggested that the recorded English video lectures had a fairly positive impact on the student’s academic performance in the language.


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