HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 11 no. 3 (2023)

Preparedness of Public Elementary School Teachers in Performing Their Teaching Tasks Before, During, and after Classroom Observation in Lopez East District, Division of Quezon

Rhea Englatierra-Bilog | Liza Marie Manoos

Discipline: Education



The study determined the level of preparedness of public elementary teachers in performing their teaching tasks before, during, and after classroom observation in Lopez East District in the Division of Quezon. The research employed descriptive research design using quantitative research method and random sampling. This engaged 146 respondents from selected teachers and school heads within Lopez East District in the Division of Quezon. To analyze and interpret the data, mean was used to described the level of perception of the teachers and school heads on the level of preparedness in classroom observation and two – way ANOVA was used to determine the significant difference in the perception of the teachers when grouped according to their profile. In gathering data, the instrument used the following; pre-assessment, actual observation, and post-assessment, to assess the requirements prepared of a classroom teacher in classroom structuring and teacher observation guide for instructional competence. Consultation of the self-made questionnaire was carried on with the expert in DepEd using the classroom observation tool under mandated DepEd Order No. 42 s. 2017, an updated PPST-RPMS classroom observation tool in the enhancement of teacher’s quality as provided by the Department of Education. There is no significant difference in the teacher’s perception and their demographic profile. There was no problem encountered by the teachers and school heads before the classroom discussion, they all prepared and familiar with the classroom observation tool. Most of the indicators during the classroom observations was Always Observed and after the classroom observation the respondents perceived was Highly Achieved.Based on the results, the researcher still recommends that classroom observation, coaching, and mentoring may be perceived to ensure the quality of teachers.


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