HomeJournal of Interdisciplinary Perspectivesvol. 2 no. 1 (2024)

Preparedness and Emotional Struggles of Public Elementary School Teaching Applicants

Abigaile Pimienta | Necy Cesaria V. Romo

Discipline: Education



This study aimed to investigate the preparedness and emotional struggles of the public elementary school teacherapplicants in Sto. Domingo-San Ildefonso District, Ilocos Sur Division. There were 35 respondents selected through a total population sampling from 16 Public Elementary Schools in Sto. Domingo-San Ildefonso District, Ilocos Sur Division. The study is a mixed quantitative-qualitative type of research that utilized the descriptive-correlational method using a content-validated questionnaire to determine the profile and the level of preparedness of the respondents, whereas an interview was employed to recognize the emotional struggles of the teacher-applicants in applying to a public elementary school. Thematic Analysis was used in putting together the responses. Moreover, the significant relationship between the profile of the respondents and the level of preparedness of the public elementary school teachers in was identified. The findings of the study revealed that the respondents have a “very high” level of preparedness, however, it was also found that the respondents experienced serious emotional struggles in the application process. Correlation analysis showed that gender identity is significantly related to teaching experience and specialized training and skills, while the type of school graduated is negatively significant to the teaching experience. Based on the findings, the following conclusions are represented: (1) The public elementary school teacherapplicants were prepared in the application process; (2) emotional struggles were part of the experiences in applying to a public elementary school; and (3) career orientation plan is developed based on the findings of the study.


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