HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 16 no. 2 (2023)

Farmers’ Satisfaction with the Paddy Procurement Practices of the National Food Authority in the Province of Palawan, Philippines

Roxanne Cayabyab | Edison C Gabileo | Randy Olano

Discipline: Psychology



This research assessed farmer satisfaction with the National Food Authority's (NFA's) paddy procurement practices in Palawan. The study determines the level of satisfaction with the execution of the procurement services availed by the local farmers. The study likewise examines the significant relationship between socio-demographic profile and the level of satisfaction. It analyzes the significant difference between local farmers' satisfaction levels and paddy delivery locations. This study employed a total enumeration of 208 local farmers who sold their paddy to NFA for 2022. Frequency counts, percentages, mean, and Pearson-r were used to analyze the data. The results revealed that the agency's procurement practices consider the quality of the paddy delivered. The employees treat farmers with the utmost respect, and with the facilities, the office is accessible to customers, while the information given is that the NFA delivers quality client support. Lastly, as to handling complaints, the resolutions to complaints are very satisfactory. The study also revealed no significant relationship between socio-demographic profile and the level of satisfaction. Also, the level of satisfaction and the location of paddy delivery among local farmers is the same. Furthermore, the farmers suggest that the NFA should increase the buying price of paddy and provide more procurement support on post-harvest facilities.


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