Extent of Demonstration Method on Mathematics Teaching Approaches Among Senior High School Students of Mindanao State University–Sulu
Jainalyn S Annong-Aksan
Discipline: Education
The demonstration method is a vital teaching tool that helps students improve their procedural
knowledge through observation, imitation, and technique adaptation in solving math problems. Employing
this method with different approaches can enhance students' active learning, making it even more effective
for mathematics teachers to address the issue of students' low academic performance in Mathematics. This
study assessed the extent of the demonstration method on mathematics teaching approaches among senior
high school students of Mindanao State University–Sulu. It employed a descriptive-correlational research
design with 190 student respondents selected through a stratified random sampling method. The study
reveals that, among the 190 student-respondents, mainly female and aged 17-18 in grade 11, with parents
having a high school education, the demonstration method is viewed positively in math teaching. While the
sample represents typical senior high school students, the lack of diversity in parental education may limit
generalizability. Student perceptions vary by age and grade level, with older students preferring the teachercentered approach, and grade 12 students showing overall positive views. The study highlights the
consistent effectiveness of the demonstration method across teaching approaches, underscoring the
importance of efficient implementation for student perceptions. The study recommends that school heads
support teachers with resources, training, and feedback, monitor the method's effectiveness on student
performance, and encourage the use of the demonstration method in mathematics teaching. Parents should
be informed and involved in their children's learning, while students should actively engage in the
demonstration method. Future research should explore the impact of parental education on student
performance and investigate the effectiveness of the demonstration method in mathematics teaching.
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