HomeSMN Digestvol. 10 no. 1 (2024)

Onto the Fourth Business State: An Analysis of Transformative Strategies in Supply Chain and Logistics Amidst and Post COVID-19 Using the Structure-Anti-StructureAnastructure Framework

Elijah Lucas Indigo Cabacungan | Joseph Ericson Galvez | Elizabeth Kristine Gregorio | Remwin Lorenz Guevarra | Michael Mallari | Ruel Maningas | Paolo Martin Portillo

Discipline: others in business and management



This paper explores the supply chain and logistics industry’s pre-COVID-19 situation as well as its pandemic-induced transformations and post-pandemic resiliency from the lens of business and non-business frameworks and theories. Using various business frameworks such as the PESTEL and Business Environment Frameworks, the paper delved into the details of (1) the preCOVID industry trends , (2) the effect of the pandemic on the industry’s growth, and how the industry adapted to the pandemic; and (3) the postpandemic changes on parts of the industry and the effect of the more recent global economic shocks on the industry. The strategies and factors extracted from the aforementioned categories are mapped out by adapting a Structure-Antistructure-Anastructure framework that represents the three business states in the transformation process. In furtherance, the paper looked into the actions taken by Maersk, a global shipping company and industry leader, as a use case for the framework. The paper concludes with a suggestion to use the framework as a transformation model to guide the organization across various stages of its business lifecycle. Since the framework is limited to a reactionary approach, a fourth resulting business state – called the Restructure – is introduced on which concepts of “First Principles Thinking” and “First Mover Advantage” are grounded.


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