HomeInnovatusvol. 2 no. 1 (2019)


Joanna B Emralino



Document management has become a visible solution in any organizations. This assumption has enthused researchers to pay attention in developing document management system as part of technological emergence in the 21st Century. The current study is the development of an online system called Document Tracking System (DoTS), which is adopted in the 12 inter-offices in the Schools Division of Paranaque City (SDO – Paranaque City). The objective of the study was to create a tracking system in the SDO – Parañaque City to help the inter-offices effectively manage documents. Its enabling objective is to create a ticket that could be used to tag user and online monitoring mechanism that allows the tagged user to view the ticket for faster compliance. In introducing DoTS in the SDO – Parañaque City, brainstorming, interview of the different users with regard to the document processes they do, and an orientation and training of users on how to use DoTS as part of their function in their offices. A 13-item questionnaire was administered to 79 respondents after few months of employment of the DoTS in the inter-offices. Informal interview was done after having collected the questionnaires to employ probing technique to deepen the responses of the users. Findings revealed that negative reactions for some users were evident during the orientation and training stage of DoTS; on the other hand, after having experienced using DoTS, positive effects on their performances were manifested. Furthermore, some findings suggest that the employment of DoTS in the inter-offices in the SDO – Parañaque City has improved the document management processes. Thus, majority of the users were convinced that apparent improvement was evident as it is seen the analytics of DoTS as one of its significant features. As far as the objectives of the study were concerned, the study’s enabling objectives were successfully achieved as seen from the data culled from the responses of the 79 DoTS users extracted from the administered questionnaire. It is recommended that DoTS could level up its usability down to the 42 public schools both from elementary and secondary levels under the jurisdiction of the SDO – Paranaque to make document management system effective and efficient.

All Comments (3)

shakirA SAn
10 months ago

may I request a full copy of this study

2 months ago

may I request a full copy of this study

2 weeks ago

Hi, good day! Can I get a full copy of this study? Thank you.