HomeSMCC Higher Education Research Journalvol. 6 no. 1 (2019)

The Impact of School Facilities to the Teaching-Learning Environment

Beverly D. Jaminal

Discipline: Education



Adequate facilities are an essential factor for student learning. The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of School Facilities to the Teaching-Learning Environment of the Cluster-A Schools of the Diocese of Butuan. The study utilized the descriptive survey method of research. A questionnaire was used as the primary instrument for data gathering. The respondents of the study were the Grade 9 and Grade 10 students, and the teachers of the Grade 9 and 10 of the Cluster A Schools of the Diocese of Butuan. Findings revealed that the presence of school facilities as rated by the teachers and students has motivated them and made them feel happy and satisfied with the knowledge that they have gained through the utilization of the school facilities. The findings a firm the expectancy-value theory which assumes that people are motivated to do an activity if it is perceived to be linked to the satisfaction of personal needs and if there is a positive expectancy for success (Deci & Ryan, 2014). It was recommended that Seminar –Workshops should be conducted for teachers on the integration of technology as part of their teaching strategies to enhance students’ motivation.