Rafael Paolo C. Ireneo | Shirley G. De Chavez
In 1990, Harvard Business School professor Amy Edmonson introduced the term Psychological Safety [PS]. It is an environment of being able to express one’s self without fear of negative consequences (Kahn 1990 as cited in Edmonson 2003). PS improves the sense of self-worth because it allows people to overcome feelings of rejection and negative effects on self- image whenever self-expression is exercised in the workplace. Subsequent researches concluded that greater trust and respect were developed among teams in workplaces of varied settings. This paper is a study on what factors affect psychological safety resulting to effective management [EM] of selected teaching employees of a private university in Manila, Philippines. The study showed that employee engagement significantly influences PS and EM; work group size and leader inclusiveness significantly influence PS; and co-worker support significantly influences EM.