HomeSMCC Higher Education Research Journal (Multidisciplinary Journal)vol. 9 no. 1 (2022)

Pear Deck: bridging the dilemma of Education and Online Learning in the COVID-19 Pandemic

Maria Regina Jaga



Teachers are required to think creatively and innovatively in making learning innovations in schools that can be done with interactive and contextual learning concepts. One of these learning concepts to overcome learning loss is Pear Deck. This research aimed to determine the effectiveness of the application of pear deck learning media to overcome learning loss and know the perspective of learners and teachers to apply this learning media innovation. This is descriptive research with 40 students and ten lecturers as respondents. Data collection techniques used were observations, interviews, and questionnaires. The study revealed that the role of teachers is very important in providing quality education to the nation’s students, as well as facilitating the use of Pear Deck learning media because it helps students undergo interactive classroom lectures and maintain enthusiasm on academic topics in an interesting and up to date learning way. The researcher found several educational dilemmas in the pandemic period, including students and parents of gaptek (stuttering technology) students, internet access, difficulty understanding the material, feeling lazy and difficulty concentrating due to monotonous learning. However, the said obstacles can be overcome by creating an online learning system media, communication with the student’s guardian, creating a summary of learning, providing tasks that encourage students to be actively bridged using Pear Deck learning media. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the application of Pear Deck media with interactive contextual concepts is declared effective and able to provide solutions to learning loss faced by learners and increase the learning motivation of learners.