HomePhilippine Scientific Journalvol. 51 no. 1 (2018)

Parasite in My Head: a Case of an Infectious Lesion Presenting as a Metastatic Tumor in an Adult with HIV infection

Jemma Ma. Irene V. Echiverri



Introduction: Toxoplasmic encephalitis among HIV-infected individuals is usually a complication of the late phase of immunodeficiency. In the Philippines, only 3 cases of cerebral toxoplasmosis were reported among 522 HIV-infected individuals. Case: This is a case of a 32-year-old male who came in due to rotatory dizziness and headache with increasing severity of dizziness affecting his daily performance. With a differential diagnosis of metastatic tumor versus infectious lesion, further diagnostic examinations were done to evaluate the case. Discussion/Conclusion: This report shows the significance of this rare case among HIV patients. A space- occupying lesion in an HIV-positive individual can present like a metastatic tumor. Among adults and adolescents with headache and focal neurologic symptoms, HIV testing may be an important screening tool together with history taking. Seropositive individuals are suggested to be further worked up and screened with toxoplasma titer.


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