HomePhilippine Scientific Journalvol. 52 no. 2 (2019)

Clinical Profile of Geriatric Patients with Dizziness in the Department of Otorhinolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery at Veterans Memorial Medical Center: A Descriptive Study

Sherwin N. Agustin | Celso V. Ureta | Natividad A. Almazan



Objective: To determine the demographic profile and clinical – functional characteristics of geriatric patients with dizziness seen at the Otorhinolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery OPD clinic and ER Complex of a Tertiary Institution, and correlate it with the incapacitating effect of dizziness as to emotional, physical and functional aspects using the Filipino Dizziness Handicap Index (FDHI). Study Design: Descriptive Cross Sectional Study. Setting: Tertiary Government Hospital. Particpants: Forty six (46) geriatric patients with dizziness using convenience sampling. Results: All elderly dizzy patients aged 65 years old and above were included in the study. Socio-demographic profile, clinical – functional profile and clinical characteristics of dizziness were the variables assessed from all the participants including a 25-item questionnaire of Filipino Dizziness Handicap Index (FDHI) to assess the incapacitating effects of dizziness as to emotional, physical and functional domains. For the Socio-demographic profile, majority of the elderly dizzy patients who responded were within the age bracket of 65-75 years old, female, married and were college graduates. For the Clinical – Functional characteristics of dizziness, 90.9% of the elderly dizzy patients were using waking aids and 83.3% experienced incidence of fall. The prevalence of anxiety and depression among elderly patients suffering from dizziness seen at OPD and ER were 88.2% and 83.3% respectively. For the characteristics of dizziness described the by elderly patients, majority responded that the onset started only for a few days, rotatory in character, usually triggered by head turning from side to side and occurring more than once a month. For the correlation of the FDHI scores with the Clinical – Functional characteristics of dizziness, there was a significantly high FDHI – functional and emotional score among elderly dizzy patients who use walking aids and are anxious and depressed. Conclusion: There is still a high prevalence of elderly female patients with dizziness seen at ENT OPD and ER at 86.2%. However there is no significant correlation with the FDHI score that was established. The high FDHI score for the elderly dizzy patients using walking aids is statistically significant in affecting the physical, emotional and functional capabilities of these elderly individuals that poorly affects their quality of life. The high FDHI score of anxiety and depression among elderly dizzy patients is statistically significant, in which it impairs their ability to adapt psychosocially and to function independently.


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