HomePhilippine Scientific Journalvol. 53 no. 1 (2020)

Ear, Nose and Throat Manifestations of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection in a National Tertiary Infectious Disease Hospital

Maria Pia A. Salvador | Candice Que-Ansorge | Jean Roschelle M. Alonso | Lalaine D. Arcangel



The authors declared that this represents original material that is not being considered for publication or has not been published or accepted for publication elsewhere in full or in part in print or electric media; that the manuscript has been read and approved by the authors, that the requirements for authorship have been met by each author, and that the authors believes that the manuscript represents honest work. Disclosures: The authors signed a disclosure that there are no financial or other (including personal) relationships, intellectual, passion, political or religious beliefs, and institutional affiliations that might lead to a conflict of interest. Objective: To identify the prevalence and risk factors of AKI among non-ICU admitted patients in MCU-FDTMF Hospital. Methods: Design: Cross-sectional Setting: Tertiary Government Hospital Subjects: Adult patients, 19 - 65-year-old, confirmed to be with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), on antiretroviral (ARV) drugs > than 3 months, seen at the in-patient and out-patient department of H4 and TB ward in a National Tertiary Infectious Disease Hospital from February to July 2019 were included in the study. Age, sex and CD4 count were recorded. A checklist regarding otorhinolaryngologic manifestations was filled upon examination. T-test was used to determine association of age with manifestations, while Fischer’s test was used to determine association between sex and manifestations. Chi-square test was used to determine association between CD4 count and antiretroviral treatment. Result: Three hundred sixty (360) subjects were included in the study, with a mean age of 32.87 years, and a majority of males at 97%. Comorbidities were noted in 75 (20.8%) of subjects. The most frequent manifestation was cervical lymphadenopathy (n=52, 20%). The most common diagnosis in each area were TB adenitis (n=52, 20%), sensorineural hearing loss (n=34, 13.1%), oral candidiasis (n=14, 5.4%), allergic rhinitis (n=11, 4.2%) and laryngopharyngeal reflux disease (n=7, 2.7%). There was a direct association noted between ARV treatment and baseline and current CD4 counts with ENT complications (p 0.05). Conclusion: HIV predisposes patients to certain ENT diseases, and the immunosuppression increases the risk of developing ENT complications. It is important to screen these patients for ENT manifestations, undergo regular CD4 monitoring and provide continuous antiretroviral treatment. Careful history, clinical clues, ENT manifestations’ correlation and prudent therapeutic approach are important tools in addressing these cases.


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