HomeLCC Faculty Research Journal vol. 13 no. 1 (2019)





This study entitled “Crime Analysis with Crime Mapping in Lipa City: Basis for Crime Prevention Program” was conducted to identify the barangay in Lipa City with the most number of crimes committed. This study is a documentary analysis which utilized all the available data from Lipa City Police Station. The statistics safely concluded that Barangay Maraouy, Sabang anf Balintawak top three barangays in Lipa City with the most number of crimes committed. Said crimes are committed from 9:00 am – 12 midnight and most offenders are male who are 30 – 39 years old and committed violations of RA 9287 otherwise known as An Act Increasing The Penalties For Illegal Number Games, Amending Certain Provisions of Presidential Decree No. 1602, and for other Purposes. Researcher also found out that most of the crimes in Lipa City is solved. The researcher recommended to deploy more police officers and barangay tanod to those areas identified to be crime prone. Provision of training to barangay tanod is also recommended. Since community members plays a big role in crime solution and prevention it is also rcommended that self – policing training should be provided for them. The researcher further recommended to established police satellite office to those areas/barangays identified being crime prone.


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