HomeHealth Sciences Journalvol. 9 no. 1 (2020)

Interdigital pilonidal sinus: An occupational disease of pet groomers

Rachelle C. Ramilo | Cindy Jao-Tan | Camille B. Angeles | Lian C. Jamisola | Maria Nina F. Pascasio



Introduction : Interdigital pilonidal sinus is an acquired condition secondary to penetration of hair fragments into the skin of the web spaces of the hands commonly observed in hairdressers, and occasionally, among pet groomers. Local literature reports or guidelines to ensure practice of protective measures for this population of workers are currently lacking. Case Summary : A 24-year old pet groomer consulted due to occasional white hair strands emerging from two openings in the third interdigital space of his dominant hand. Histopathologic examination of the sinus tract showed an acanthotic, hyperplastic epidermis with scale crust, and nodular dermal infiltrates composed of epithelioid histiocytes, plasma cells, lymphocytes, and eosinophils. Transepidermal extrusion of polarizable hair cortical material was also evident establishing the diagnosis of an interdigital pilonidal sinus. Sinusectomy and debridement with healing by secondary intention resulted in an optimal wound closure and full motion of the affected hand after one week and minimal scarring with no recurrence after seven months. Conclusion : Surgical excision followed by proper wound care is essential to avoid recurrence. In conclusion, since interdigital pilonidal disease is a rare condition, awareness among physicians would lead to accurate diagnosis, optimal treatment, and proper patient education.


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