HomeSage (Formerly College of Arts and Sciences Research Journal)vol. 5 no. 1 (2014)

Wearing of High Heels among College Students In Arellano University

Vicky Rose A. Viterbo | Mary Elaine C. Rodil | Krizia Anne B. Zapanta

Discipline: Psychology



The purpose of this experimental research is to determine the effect of high heels to the self-esteem of women. The researchers included 30 participants from tourism department and they were classified into two groups: the first 20 participants who got high score were assigned in wearing flat shoes and the remaining 10 participants who got low score wore high heels. The participants underwent experiment for 2-3 intermittent weeks. The researchers administered the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale that demonstrates totality of the individual’s thoughts and feelings. Findings show that there is a significant difference in the self esteem of young women wearing flat shoes and high –heeled shoes.