HomeInternational Research Journal of Science, Technology, Education, and Managementvol. 2 no. 4 (2022)

The use of active learning technique Think-Pair-Share in urban land use class: Fifth year surveying engineering

Mamo Morka Jano



Active Learning techniques, designed to make the students active and collaborative participants in the learning process, are gaining popularity as a supplement and alternative to traditional lectures. The purpose of this paper is to assess and evaluate the use of TPS as an active learning technique in the urban land use planning class of the surveying engineering department. Quantitative research was deployed. The class has a 50-sample size. The results of students’ average result of the pretest (without TPS) and posttest using the Think Pair Share (TPS) method has increased from 8.975(44.98%) to 11.43(58.23%) out of 20(100%). The normalized gain for each student is 0.24(i.e. low and better than the pretest), but the value denotes a positive gain in the performance of the student’s result. The witnessed level of satisfaction of students with this teaching intervention showed that the students have positively perceived that the use of the lecture method is not enough to learn urban land use planning courses effectively. On the other hand, the result of Cronbach’s alpha coefficient data analysis of the witnessed level of satisfaction of students with TPS teaching intervention for the ten items is 0.797, suggesting that the items have relatively high internal consistency. So the majority of the respondents' students perceived the use of TPS as active learning is more essential than the traditional lecture.


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