HomeInternational Journal of Academic and Practical Researchvol. 1 no. 2 (2022)

Delineation on Celebrity Endorsement and Brand Mascot Towards Attitudes, Beliefs, Purchase Intention and Behaviour of the Consumers

Varsha Reddy B. Veda | A. S.b Sathish



A celebrity endorsement is a type of advertising that endorses the personalities of people of renowned fame or great fanfare who have astounding public recognition. A brand mascot is the manifestation of a brand’s personality in the form of an animated or animal-like figure that symbolically serves as its spokesperson and brand representative. The principal objective of this paper is to highlight the psychological association of customers with celebrities. Marketers take advantage of a celebrity's emotional bond and personality cult by posing various celebrities as brand ambassadors through celebrity endorsement. To project and embed a product into conscious and subconscious memory, brand mascots are created and repeatedly imposed on customers' minds. This paper evaluates the impact and outreach of both celebrities and mascots in prompting and promoting the image, purpose, quality, and priority of a particular product or brand among potential customers through their emotional and psychological nostalgia.


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