HomeAIDE Interdisciplinary Research Journal vol. 4 no. 1 (2023)

Management Competencies and Strategies of Academic Middle Managers at Cagayan State University: Basis for Training and Development Program




In the organizational structure of higher education institutions, the academic middle managers work between the central administration that provides direction and the faculty and staff. They orchestrate daily activities using competencies and strategies for risk management. The study was conducted to assess the levels of competency and utilization of strategies of academic middle managers to serve as the basis for the formulation of a risk management training and development program for the Academic Year 2023-2026 for CSU middle managers. It made use of the sequential explanatory research design with 78 respondents, using the survey questionnaire and focus group discussion for data collection, percentages, and weighted mean for the analysis of data. Middle managers were found to possess high competency in the exercise of the operational, managerial, and strategic context of risk management covering organizational roles in risk management, project/change management, stakeholder management, data management, and risk on organizational reporting. Middle managers highly utilize risk management strategies in the execution of their duties along with academics, research and extension, long-term strategy, root-cause analysis, and risk management analysis. A risk management training program is designed within the dimensions of operational, managerial, and strategic context and development programs for middle managers to increase their competencies and utilization of risk management strategies.


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