HomeInternational Journal of Academic and Practical Researchvol. 1 no. 1 (2022)

Experiences on the Use and Misuse of the Shopee Application Towards Purchasing Behavior Among Selected Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) Senior High School Students

Ma. Sheen Abrogar



The internet has had a profound impact on people's attitudes and behaviors all over the world. As a result of this advantage, online shopping has emerged, influencing ordinary citizens' lives. Although online shopping has begun in the Philippines with the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic, consumers are not yet accustomed to doing so regularly. The purpose of this study, in this case, is to understand the behavior of online shoppers through a self-constructed survey among selected Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM) students at a specific private school in Manila, Philippines. According to the survey, consumers shop online to save time and gain access to a wider variety of products and services. When it comes to liking and disliking factors, both men and women exhibit the same behavior; they prefer home delivery and dislike the inability to touch and feel the product the most. They get online shopping information from websites, particularly social networks, and pay cash on delivery for clothes, makeup, and accessories. The majority of shoppers are concerned about the payment system's security, and their overall satisfaction with online shopping is mixed


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