HomeScientific Augustinianvol. 11 no. 1 (2021)

Experiences and Health-Seeking Practices of Women with Cervical Cancer in Iloilo Province

Trisha Anne Selvaraj | Karyn Joy Lamis | Venesse Palencia | Rogelio Escorpiso Jr. | Louie P. Hijalda



Cervical Cancer affects women worldwide. This research focuses on the experiences and health seeking practices of women diagnosed with Cervical Cancer in the Province of Iloilo, in relation to a variety of aspects. This study was conducted to explore the experiences of women with Cervical Cancer in terms of physical, psychological, social, and spiritual factors; and discuss their health-seeking practices in terms of diet, exercise, and medical care compliance. A qualitative-descriptive approach was utilized in this study. The researchers interviewed women in Iloilo Province with Cervical Cancer, to examine their experiences and health-seeking practices. Significantly, the study was able to establish that five out of six respondents felt physical discomfort. Majority of them needed assistance in their daily activities. Four out of six respondents were upset about their present situation, and only two had positive mindsets. Majority experienced emotional support from their relationships. However, two out of the six respondents felt disinclined to socialize. All of the respondents found a more significant connection with their faith. For health seeking practices, all respondents with the exception of one were able to comply with their new diets. There were also modifications and changes in the participants’ ability to work, and sleep. The majority of them complied with their prescribed health regimens. They were able to have regular checkups, monitor their health progress, and take medication consistently. The study confirmed that the respondents shared a commonality in the modifications they adopted in terms of their biological, psychological, spiritual, and social approaches towards their experience with cancer. The similarities in these applied changes were also integrated in their health-seeking practices. It is imperative that health practitioners and researchers understand the linkage between women with Cervical Cancer and a variety of socio-physical aspects.


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