HomeInternational Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education Researchvol. 4 no. 4 (2023)

Analysis of Price Factors and Business Competition in The Covid-19 Pandemic NN Efforts to Increase Sales Volume

Ika Novaliana | Prasetya Tri Mahendra



The aims of this study are: (1) To find out and prove the effect of price during the covid-19 pandemic on sales volume, (2) To find out and prove the effect of business competition during the COVID-19 pandemic on sales volume, (3) To find out and prove Simultaneous effect of price and business competition during the COVID-19 pandemic on sales volume. Data analysis was carried out by quantitative descriptive analysis with a sample size of 80 people who stated that the study had a population of 100. The results showed that: (1) Based on the t-test, the tcount value was 4.432 while the ttable value was 1.990. It is proven that there is a positive and significant effect between price and sales volume, (2) Based on the t-test, the t-value is 3.893 while the t-table value is 1.990. It can be interpreted that the business competition variable partially has a positive and significant effect. The contribution of price and business competition to sales volume is 33.4%.


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