HomeUniversitasvol. 10 no. 2 (2022)

Assessing the Use of Technology-Based Learning Hub

Katrisha Faye G. Pingol



Distance education has been introduced primarily to address the continuously growing demands of teachers and learners for a more flexible type of pedagogy. However, emergencies such as the COVID-19 pandemic can also force teachers and students outside the confines of the traditional classroom. Despite the challenges of the current global health crisis, many learning institutions continuously delivered education through the adoption of flexible distance learning modalities. With the advent of the internet, the use of learning management systems (LMS) became an increasingly popular choice, not only in higher educational institutions but also in primary and secondary schools during this trying time. Using a descriptive quantitative design, this research study seeks to describe the experiences of 80 faculty members of the University of Makati during the academic year 2020-2021 using a Moodle-based LMS—the Technology-Based Learning (TBL) Hub. Through an online survey evaluation of the different features of what an LMS should be like, it was found that teacher-users somewhat agree that the majority of these essential criteria are already somewhat observable in the TBL Hub; particularly in areas of testing and assessment, content organization and archiving, course and file management, as well as communication and collaboration. Based on the results of this evaluation, improvement still needs to be done about the design and layout of the website together with the provision of technical support and assistance where many study participants have also identified pressing issues and concerns that they want to be addressed in the future.


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