HomePhilippine Coffee Journalvol. 1 no. 1 (2020)

Digital Coffeetelling: Brewing Storytelling Strategies to Deliver Coffee Lessons to Agriculture Students through eLearning System

Crina Tañongon | Emely Amoloza | Anna Roffel Lozada



While the Philippines needs more agriculture scientists and technologists to boost the agriculture sector, the enrollment in Agriculture courses in State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) has been declining. In response to the challenge, this study aimed to design an eLearning system using storytelling methodology to promote coffee growing among Agriculture students. As storytelling is very much part of people’s lives, its participative nature makes it the best tool in engaging different learners. In conducting preliminary research, the researchers employed the ADDIE model of eLearning which stands for Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate. However, only two stages were accommodated according to the scheduled time frame. To execute the first stage, the proponents did a Situation Analysis of the study locale (Boac, Marinduque) and Learning Needs Assessment (LNA) of Agriculture students of Marinduque State College to determine their preferred media, design and instruction delivery of coffee lessons. Informed by those, the researchers came up with a SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) to determine the appropriate learning approaches and strategies for coffee eLearning system. Learners preferred series-like or episodic manner of presenting coffee lessons and ranked storytelling number one among movie features. Based on the results, the researchers converted coffee modules, course content, objectives, topic outline, method of evaluation, and assessment tool) into visual coffee storytelling they called “Digital Coffeetelling”.


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