HomeAugustinianvol. 23 no. 1 (2022)

Essential Family Teaching of St. John Paul II: Beneficial Approach to the Family in the Current Milieu

Jean Alcain



This study views the family as essential to a person's life and society. How a family is formed and the way they live matter a lot. Its implication today somehow affects all aspects of life. Hence, this study explored the contemporary problems of families and found solutions to help save them. This study used a mixed quantitative and qualitative research design to obtain the different issues that confront the family at the current time. The informants' responses were translated and assigned codes using thematic analysis. Then, for each problem discussed by the informants, the essential family teaching of St. John Paul II, considered the Pope and Saint of the Family, was given as a beneficial approach to confronting the problem. These approaches were a way to bring hope amid family situational changes today.


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