HomeThe Trinitian Researchervol. 10 no. 1 (2019)

Transformational Leadership Practices of Deans in an Autonomous HEI

Guillermina C. Vizcarra



This descriptive quantitative research assesses the transformational leadership practices of deans of the different colleges of an autonomous Higher Education Institution (HEI) in terms of four dimensions; inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, idealized influence, and individualized consideration, as adapted from the Transformational Leadership Theory of Bernard M. Bass. Purposive sampling was employed using an adapted questionnaire to assess the transformational leadership practices of the HEI’s deans by selected faculty. Data interpretation indicated that all participating faculty members (n=68) strongly agreed that their respective deans practice transformational leadership, which in turn influences the faculty members to lead others. These findings imply that effective transformational leadership practices of deans serve as a motivation to their subordinates vis-a-vis their faculty members, to render efficient services to their co-teachers and students.


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