HomePAARL Research Journalvol. 9 no. 1 - Special Anniversary Issue (2023)

Teaching Information Literacy During the Pandemic: Current Practice and Challenges

Dia Marie E. Abrigo | Marian R. Eclevia | Kelvin B. Samson | Mennie Ruth A. Viray



Academic and school libraries in the Philippines now offer online library instruction to assist students and faculty members with their learning and research needs. The study documents the current practices of librarians in conducting online library instruction in response to the challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. It examines the challenges associated with online library instruction as they transition back to face-to-face instruction. An online questionnaire was distributed to collect data from academic and school librarians who had experience with online library instruction during the pandemic. During the transition to online instruction, the major challenges were: (1) librarians’ and students’ access to technologies, (2) stable internet connection, and (3) keeping students engaged. This study provides valuable information to library managers and institutional administrators to better understand the experiences and viewpoints of librarians in facilitating the adoption, acceptance, and use of online instruction.


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