HomeThe Rizalian Researchervol. 9 no. 1 (2022)


Joylyn M. Fundal | Cindy B. Rosil



This study aimed to determine the level of psychological first aid intervention as a determinant of the resiliency of the teacher in Pigkawayan West District, Cotabato Division. The findings revealed that psychological first aid in terms of safety and contact, stabilization, information gathering, practical assistance, information on coping support, and linkage with collaborative services are oftentimes manifested. Teachers experience satisfaction with the psychological first-aid intervention provided to them. This is shown through the resiliency they manifested in dealing with difficult situations since they rated extensive in the majority of the indicators. However, some of the items in contact and engagement and connection with social support needed more intervention activities, as shown in the result that they were moderately extensive. Moreover, the resiliency in terms of self-belief, optimism, purposeful direction, adaptability, ingenuity, challenge orientation, emotion regulation, and support seeking is extensive. This means that the teachers were able to cope with the stress, and they recovered and adapted to difficult situations. Department of Education (DepEd) should design programs regarding the mental and psychological health of teachers since they are putting their best to provide effective teaching experiences for the welfare of the learners. In this new normal, teachers manifested positive coping and competence in addressing their needs and coping mechanisms.


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