HomeThe Rizalian Researchervol. 8 no. 1 (2021)


Mae S Espedellion | Albert G Musico



The school head in the Division of Davao City experienced and encountered a lot of challenges amidst of pandemic crisis in the education system. The respondents of the study were 120 public school teachers under the criteria of inclusion. The disclosed findings for research questions of the study to see the relationship between the spur drive and management style of public elementary school heads amidst the pandemic crisis of the education system, considered indicators: intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation, conceptual skill, leadership skill, and communication skill that best suit to help teachers respondents to identify the factors contributed a lot from the spur drive and management style of school heads to the field of the education system. The result of the study showed 0.412, which indicated there is a positive correlation, which means that there is a significant relationship between the spur drive and the management style of school heads. It explains that if the spur drive of school heads is positively increasing, the management style of school heads also increases. Hence, the null hypothesis is rejected. In light of the findings drawn out by the researcher in this study, the following suggestions and recommendations are offered: The Department of Education should maintain seminars about “Improving spur drive” and training about the “management style” of school heads to develop their teacher subordinates and would be helpful in creating a positive atmosphere inside the real work to achieve one goal to maintain and continue to sustain quality education amidst the pandemic crisis of education system.


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