HomeThe Rizalian Researchervol. 8 no. 1 (2021)


Noba J Rubion | Maylin M Blancia



The primary purpose of the study was to determine the impact of school transformational leadership on the teacher efficacy of the public Junior High Schools in the Division of Digos City. The respondents of the study were the (100) junior high school teachers of Digos City division who have been in the service for three (3) years and permanent employees who were randomly selected. The study used a non-experimental quantitative method of research. In this study, the researcher employed the quantitative descriptive type using the regression analysis method of research. This study aimed to determine the level of transformational leadership as a determinant of teacher efficacy in the Secondary Schools District, Division of Digos City. The finding reveals that transformational leadership in terms of the idealized influence of leaders and intellectual stimulation and creativity are oftentimes manifested. Transformational leadership, in terms of the ability to inspire others and individualized consideration, is rated very extensively, which corresponds to the effective leadership of the school heads. There is a significant relationship between transformational leadership on teacher efficacy. The greater the transformational leadership in school, the better the teacher efficacy; hence positive correlation occurs when an increase in two variables decreases at the same time. Transformational leadership significantly influences teacher efficacy. This transformational leadership is statistically significant to teacher efficacy


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