HomeJPAIR Multidisciplinary Research Journalvol. 51 no. 1 (2023)

Mediating Effect of HRM Practices between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction in the Real Estate Industry in Metro Manila, Philippines: A Literature Review

Janice Pascua | Genaro V. Japos



Human resource management (HRM) practices have been highlighted as essential for boosting organizational efficiency and keeping a competitive edge. A company’s human resource management (HRM) division is crucial in raising customer and employee satisfaction levels with its services. Studies have shown that human resource management practices simultaneously impact service quality and customer satisfaction. Customer service excellence is also essential in evaluating client happiness. This literature review seeks to understand how clients view service quality, what factors affect customer satisfaction, and how human resource management practices mediate these effects. The sources and references came from research databases such as Google Scholar, the Open Access Directory Journals, and other websites. The review findings suggest that service quality aspects impacting customer satisfaction are crucial. It provides evidence supporting this conclusion by showing that service quality positively affects customer satisfaction. Finally, effective HRM practices significantly impact service quality and customer satisfaction. Service quality, a multifaceted idea, is crucial in determining customer satisfaction. The five dimensions of the Service Quality paradigm provide a comprehensive framework for defining and enhancing service quality, particularly in the real estate sector. Customer loyalty and satisfaction can rise by offering exceptional service in the five areas mentioned above. Businesses may boost customer loyalty and happiness by providing high-quality service in these five areas. Companies that offer excellent service and a positive customer experience are likelier to keep their current clients and attract new ones.


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