HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 1 no. 1 (2022)

Academic Performance, Personality Types, and Self-Efficacy: Predictors on Alternative Learning System Learners’ Employability Skills

Jolly Puertos | Liberty Puertos

Discipline: Education



The five learning strands of the alternative learning system are intended to improve the employability skills of the learners. With improved employability skills, learners will have better chances of employment after graduation. This study was conducted to determine the level of employability skills of ALS learners and to find out the factors that are associated with predictors of employability skills. Employing the descriptive-correlational and causal research design, a total of 473 participants were selected through a random sampling technique. Adapted survey questionnaires for personality types, self-efficacy, and employability skills were administered to the participants. Results showed that the participants have a high level of employability skills, very satisfactory academic performance, and a high level of self-efficacy. Extraverts, sensors, feelers, and judgers were the dominant personality types of the participants and the majority were looking for employment after graduation. Correlation coefficients indicated that employability skills are significantly associated with academic performance, personality types, self-efficacy, and post-graduation plans. Multiple regression beta coefficients revealed that self-efficacy, communication skills, personality preferences, and sustainable resources were significant predictors to ALS learners’ employability skills. From the findings, the conclusion is drawn that the level of employability skills among the participants is generally higher and the learners are employable for an appropriate job after their graduation while the best predictor of employability skills is the learners’ self-efficacy.


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