HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 2 no. 2 (2022)

Level of Guests Satisfaction Towards Hospitality Services Using Gap Analysis

Christian Llego | Alberto Baldo | Jose Abuda | Jose Autida | Jefferson Dagsa | Jordan M. Cabaguing

Discipline: Education



It is essential to give the highest satisfaction to gain guests' loyalty in the tourism and hospitality industry. Understanding their expectations and creating value in anticipating and managing their perceptions to respond to and satisfy their needs is one of the major considerations. Thus, this study was conducted to determine the level of guests' satisfaction with hotels' hospitality services using gap analysis. It utilized the descriptive-correlational to determine the mean difference between guests' perception and expectations anchored to Expectancy Disconfirmation Theory which explains how gap analysis is used in determining the level of guests' satisfaction. The study was conducted at Guiuan, Eastern Samar. Using convenient sampling, a total of 150 guests participated in the study. The results revealed that guests' perceptions and expectations have a negative service quality gap in the attributes of responsiveness, reliability, and assurance, while there is a positive gap for tangibility and empathy. Meanwhile, there is a significant difference between guests' perceptions and expectations. Therefore, the negative service quality gap and a substantial difference between expectation and perception indicate guests’ dissatisfaction with the hospitality services. Thus, hotels must exceed guests’ satisfaction on dimensions of reliability, responsiveness, and assurance. They have to invest in those aspects of the service quality attributes to cater to a better service to guests' merit to their needs and wants.


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