HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 2 no. 4 (2022)

Research-Based Learning Model for Senior High School Science Instruction

Kristoffren Lubas

Discipline: Education



Research-Based Learning (RBL) is a feasible way to improve the learning of students and to refine learning thru doing. It is an instructional system that uses genuine learning, problem-solving, interactive learning, hands-on, and inquiry-discovery approaches driven by constructivist logic. This study portrayed the effects of research-based learning model for senior high school science instruction and employed the quasi-experimental method of research. The respondents were the grade 12 STEM students of Bitoon National Vocational High School S.Y. 2020 – 2021 randomly assigned as control and experimental group respectively while the research data were collected using test and survey questionnaire. Frequency of Correct Responses, Percentage formula, and Weighted Mean were used for academic performance, weighted mean for learning experience, Paired t-test formula for the significant difference in respondents’ pretest and post-test scores, and independent t-test formula obtained the significant difference between the mean gains of each of the aforementioned groups. Paired t-test results revealed improved performance for both groups with majority of the improvements of the experimental groups were in the higher-order thinking skills (HOTS). Also, the experimental group expressed fondness of RBL that motivated them to learn science and find RBL an effective and efficient way to learn science. In conclusion, RBL can enhance students’ performance level as there was a significant difference in the academic performance ruled by independent t-test result. It was highly recommended to implement RBL in a face-to-face setting for those who desire to conduct similar studies in the future.


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