HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 2 no. 4 (2022)

Impact of Parenting Styles to the Spending Behaviors of Senior High School Students at Western Philippines University-Agricultural Science High School, Aborlan, Palawan

Michelle Enano | Liz Aira Cruz | Sotico Santillan

Discipline: Education



Spending behavior of an individual especially younger generations tend to be alarming as studies revealed that they will cover large amount of consumer spending this year. Those youths may not lead to financial problems on their adulthood if they know how to manage their money wisely. The parents’ or guardians’ role on teaching financial management to their children is vital. This study focused on the impact of parenting styles to the spending behaviors of senior high school students at Agricultural Science High School of the Western Philippines University, Aborlan, Palawan and to determine if there is a significant relationship between parenting styles of the respondents’ parents and spending behaviors of the respondents. This study used a descriptive-correlational research, survey-questionnaire, descriptive statistics and Chi-Square Test. There were 168 that served as the respondents of the study. Majority were female, 18 years old, Roman Catholic and whose parents were college graduate, Tagbanua and not struggling financially. Half of the respondents’ parents employ authoritative parenting style; some has neglectful and permissive parent but only few of them has an authoritarian parent. Most of the respondents were essentialist spenders which means that they have better financial management skills. The parenting styles of the respondents’ parents does not directly influence the respondents’ spending behaviors. It is recommended that a symposium about financial management should be conducted so that students can have a chance to improve their financial management skills. A comparative study on how junior high school students spend money as compared to senior high school students was also recommended.


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