HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 1 no. 3 (2022)

The Physical and Mental Health of Learners Doing Online Learning During the Pandemic

Jewel Doreen Lemana

Discipline: Education



During this pandemic, all activities that can cause mass crowds has been halted intending to prevent the spread of corona virus disease. For this reason, most learning institutions has opted for online learning just to keep the education of students still continuous, yet with little to no consideration as to how this setting will affect their health. Most studies have been focused on the mental health alone of the learners and discarding other aspect such as physical health. This quantitative study aims to determine the physical and mental health of students doing online learning at Western Mindanao State University utilizing the Short Form Health Survey. It also looked whether there is a significant difference between the physical and mental health of the respondents when grouped according to their age, gender, civil status, and year level. According to results, students are found to have low percentage of their overall physical and mental health. In addition, when respondents were grouped according to gender, civil status, and age, no significant difference found between these demographics and respondents’ physical and mental health. Finally, the result presented that the physical and mental health of respondents and their year level showed significant difference.


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