HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 3 no. 5 (2022)

Graders’ Language Anxiety Vis-Á-Vis Cooperative Learning Strategy (CLS)

Merra Mae Ramos

Discipline: Education



This study assessed the language anxiety of the Grade 8 students using cooperative learning strategy (CLS) at Sandayong Sur National High School in Danao City, Cebu, as basis for proposed Learning Activities. This study employed the matched-group research design in which 31 Grade 8 learners were taught through CLS. The results of the researcher-made tests were used to identify the students’ level of language anxiety in parallel words, phrases, and clauses. It was found out that the Grade 8 students were very confused in parallel words, phrases, and clauses before they were exposed to CLS; after exposure to CLS, the students’ language anxiety was slightly overcome, making CLS an effective strategy in overcoming the respondents’ level of language anxiety; and significant mean differences were found among the students’ levels of language anxiety in parallel words, phrases, and clauses. Based on the findings, it is concluded that cooperative learning strategy (CLS) overcomes language anxiety among the Grade 8 students of Sandayong Sur National High School. In view of the foregoing findings and conclusion, it is recommended that enrichment activities be done for the students to acquire mastery in parallel words, phrases, and clauses; that more cooperative learning activities be employed appropriately for the students to engage well during English classes; that students’ language anxiety be not neglected by the teacher to help them improve on their English competence; and that the proposed learning activities be adopted by the language teachers.


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