HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 3 no. 6 (2022)

Oral Reading Intervention Activities: Its Influence on the Pronunciation Skill of Bangsamoro Grade 3 English Language Learners in Reading Aloud

Razul Omar | Haron Mohamad | Datu Raffy Ralph Sinsuat | Marissa Parcon

Discipline: Education



This study aimed to determine the Oral Reading Interventions Activities and their effects on the Pronunciation Skill of Bangsamoro Grade 3 English Language Learners in Reading Aloud in Usman Baunga Elemenatary School during the school Year 2021-2022. Specifically, sought answers the learners’ pronunciation performance level before the oral reading intervention activities in the following parameters: words, phrases, and sentences. It also sought to found out the learners’ pronunciation performance level after the oral reading intervention activities in the same parameters. Then afterwards, it also hunted to answer if there any significant difference between the learners’ English pronunciation performance level before and after the reading activities are introduced and these were the basis for proposing instructional materials for English Language learners. The researcher utilized a descriptive statistic that includes mean, frequency, and percentage as statistical tools in answering the question 1 and 2 in the statement of the problem. The t-test for dependent samples was used in determining the significant difference in the pre-test and the post test scores of the learners’ oral reading ability level. The test is set at 0.5 levels of significance. The study revealed that the pronunciation skills in reading words is average, in reading phrases is average and poor in reading sentences before the conduct of the reading intervention activities. While after the conduct of the reading intervention activities, the level of pronunciation in reading words is good, in reading phrases is good. Generally, the pronunciation skills of the students significantly improved after the conduct of oral intervention activities. Thus, it is concluded that the oral reading intervention activities is very effective in improving the students’ pronunciation skills.


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