Project P-TER Phonics/Phonemes Through Effective Reading
Romarie Punongbayan
Discipline: Education
Reading as a field of teaching is considered one of the most important areas of teaching if not actually
the most important ever. It is said to be one of the most necessary academic skills. Also, it is major
support upon which the teaching/learning process is built. Thus, this study produced instructional
materials, videos, and flashcards to be pasted in the above area of the board to fully familiarize
sounds and letters. Based on the findings of the study, the use of an innovative approach in teaching
reading using Project P-TER improves the reading fluency performance of grade one students, and
the results differ significantly. Furthermore, the use of Project P-TER was able to improve the
academic performance of grade one because they can read and comprehend better benefited the most
attributed to their enhanced individual ability to respond in constructivist approach, where learners
connect meaning with experience.
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