HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 2 no. 6 (2022)

The Cream of the Crop: The Dean’s Listers’ Struggles in the New Normal

Claire Sharenkate Mira | Hannah Tesa Dorimon | Titagin Egoc | Resferme Echavez | Denise Isabel Rubin | Riza Faye Suerte | Kristhel Taypin | Evamie C. Temple | Jingoy D Taneo | Cyril Cabello | Antonieta Minyamin

Discipline: Education



The struggles of dean’s listers in the new normal educational setting are sometimes overlooked by their parents, teachers and schools, for they are expected to attain excellence without difficulty. Various studies focus on the struggles of all students in the new normal. However, little to no studies emphasize the struggles of the top students. This prompted the researchers to undertake this research to shed light on the lived experiences that these students went through. Grounded on the SelfDetermination Theory, this study utilizes the Heideggerian Phenomenology design and Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis based on the modified Van Kaam approach pioneered by Moustakas with the seven-step analysis. To start, the researchers administered bracketing to avoid bias. Then, they conducted a semi-structured interview through digital platforms with 11 consistent Dean’s Listers from different universities in Cebu, Philippines. Hence, the following themes are obtained; (1) Pressure, (2) Treasure, (3) The Shadows of Online Class, and (4) Coping Mechanisms. These themes expounded on the lived experiences in the new normal. It is recommended that the teachers, Higher Education Institutions, and parents may take the results of the study as a light to obliterate the shadows of online learning in order to create a positive learning environment.


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