HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 4 no. 1 (2022)

The Instructional Experiences on SKSU-Kalamansig Campus: the Case of Non-Teacher Education Graduates

Arnel Vicente | Rysa Lee Ann Salendab

Discipline: Education



The study aimed to explore the instructional experiences of non-education teachers during the new normal education setup at Sultan Kudarat State University-Kalamansig Campus. The study utilized a qualitative type of research. Participants were selected using the purposive sampling technique. A total of five (5) non-education teacher-participants were used in this study. A semi-structured interview guide questionnaire was utilized to gather and collect the data. The data were analyzed using Colizzi's Thematic Analysis. Further, the documented interviews were transcribed using intelligent verbatim. The instructional experiences of non-education teachers revealed that preparation of lessons, conducting classes, internet issues, and managing virtual classroom behavior were all identified as the challenges of non-education teachers. Moreover, the following opportunities were also identified as more personal and family time, collaboration with other teachers, more time to read online instructional resources and materials, and more time to develop technical skills. In conclusion, the non-education teachers have challenges in the preparation of lessons, conduct of classes, poor internet connections, and managing virtual behavior of students in the new normal setup. Teachers have employed various instruments to address these challenges to bridge the gap. These are collaborating with other instructors on what to do and not to do during the class discussion, lengthening their understanding and patience towards students' academic requirements and attitudes, and shouldering their expenses-loads to cater to online learning and destressing methods to ensure sound and positive mental health in conducting classes. It is recommended that the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) should provide planning programs as a baseline for new normal teaching and conduct a series of researches that focuses on teachers' experiences in the new normal educational scheme that may help substantiate the areas that need to develop. The Sultan Kudarat State University should provide a series of seminars and training to the faculty in the new normal setting. The administrator should examine the current prospectus to adapt its assessment procedures to a flexible learning situation and propose appropriate management and provision to the faculty. Lastly, the faculty should assess the practicality of their teaching practices to accommodate the needs and interests of the students from various geographical locations. In addition, teachers should see to it that no students should be left behind and that the instructional materials are suited to the needs of the learners during this pandemic.


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