HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 4 no. 1 (2022)

Instructional Supervision and Pedagogical Practices of Filipino Teachers in the United Arab Emirates: Educational Opportunities in Focus

Arcelita Sotomayor

Discipline: Education



The main purpose of this study is to discover the instructional supervision and pedagogical practices as major strategies of Filipino teachers who are currently teaching in selected Filipino-managed schools in the United Arab Emirates. This study will focus on the commitment of the teachers to teaching Arab and foreign students and how they boost perseverance in achieving their goals. Further, highly effective teaching has been proven to improve student learning. However, the kind of pedagogical practices teachers employs determine how successful students can learn, other factors notwithstanding. In practice, however, many teachers often utilize professional practices that dampen the chances of students to effectively learn. This kind ofscenario may not be different from what is happening amongst Filipino teachers in the United Arab Emirates. Yet, effective school supervision could encourage teachers to apply more robust and effective pedagogical practices that have been devised over the years. In this study, the researchers delved into the effect of instructional supervision and pedagogical practices of teachers in selected Filipino-managed schools in the United Arab Emirates. The study was instigated by the persistent complaints from different stakeholders about the deteriorating performance of students in many schools in the country which they attribute to poor teaching


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