HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 4 no. 6 (2022)

Perceived Effects of Online Learning on the Academic Performance of Senior High School Students

Michelle Viña | Richard Nieves | Carmie Aprilyn Ordoyo | Harold Macabitas | Rose Jean Gerodias | Hannah Bonimie Viaje | Dianna Quenikito | Bhai Zhaira Cambang

Discipline: Education



This study aims to determine the perceived effects of online learning on the academic performance of senior high school students at Notre Dame of Midsayap College in the school year 2021-2022. The descriptive-correlational research design was employed in this study. A quota sampling with an equal allocation was used in choosing the respondents. The findings showed that the male and female respondents are equally represented, mostly 18 years old belonging to grades 11 and 12. In terms of the perceived effects of online learning, respondent neither agree nor disagree that online helps them comprehend the course materials, helps improve their academic performance and increases their academic output. Male and female respondents does not differ in their perception of online learning. The top challenges they experienced are lack of fieldwork and laboratory access, unavailability of gadgets and distractions by other websites when using smartphones or laptop. Finally, results revealed that respondent neither agreed nor disagreed on the perceived effects of online learning on the academic performance of senior high school students.


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