HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 4 no. 6 (2022)

Reading Preference of Education Students and Its Perceived Effectiveness in LearningEnglish as Second Language

Librado Lopez | Maricar Camacho | Janice Rendaje | Monica Escote | Almie Rose Matos

Discipline: Education



This study focused on determining the reading preferences of the second-year College of Education students of Notre Dame of Midsayap College in learning English as a second language. The study made use of descriptive-causal comparative and correlational research design. It described the reading preference, reasons, the extent of utilization, and the effectiveness of the preferred reading materials of the respondents in learning English as a second language. The findings of this study are the following. In terms of the respondents’ reading preference, most of the respondents preferred printed materials. They preferred printed materials because they could write the details and their notes directly highlighted on the printed material. The effectiveness of the preferred reading material, their preferred reading material is effective since it improves their vocabulary and enhances their grammar structure in terms of learning English as a second language through reading. There is no significant difference between printed and digital reading material and the extent of the utilization of the respondents. Lastly, it is highly significant, and there is a strong correlation between the extent of utilization and perceived effectiveness. The respondents utilized printed and digital reading material that helped them learn English as a second language. The researchers concluded that printed reading material is the preferred reading material by the students. The students utilize it because it helps them to improve their grammar structure and enrich their vocabulary.


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