HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 3 no. 7 (2022)

Adopting Human Resource Information System (HRIS)-Enabled Government Transformation: Perspective of MBHTE Employees

Haron Salah | Montadzah A. Abdulgani | Faheem Aliuden | Jonathan M. Mantikayan | Tarhata Guiamalon | Sema Dilna | Haron Mohamad | Ma. Febe Ferolino

Discipline: Education



MBHTE dealing with a 60 percent the number of BARMM employees requires strategic direction so that desired changes will be attained. Addressing identified issues and concerns will enable the ministry to accomplish its tasks effectively and efficiently. Recently the Ministry developed and piloted HRIS as a way of improving the reporting and monitoring of government employees through automation. The main function of these features in the dashboard application is to provide automated reports of (1) HR Management, (2) Performance Evaluation, (3) Document/Files, (4) Data Parameter, and (5) User Management. To determine the system performance of MBHTE HRIS this study used a quantitative descriptive survey to gauge the extent of the HR Information System performance of 240 respondents coming from MBHTE regional level. This paper documented that the significant difference between HR Manual System and HR Information system is very large thus the former manifested a grand mean result of 2.27 while the latter acquired a grand mean result of 4.56. Therefore, MBHTE HR Information System is high performing since it manifested a result of each indicator ranging from 4.44- to 4.65. Praying that this documentation will serve as a data reference for the proposal of a policy, training, and utilization of the MBHTE HR Information System.


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