HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 5 no. 12 (2022)

Effectiveness of Multimedia-Assisted Instruction in Teaching Technology and Livelihood Education for Grade 8 Students of Lagundi-CCL National High School

Imee C. Angeles

Discipline: Education



The study aimed to determine the effectiveness of multimedia-assisted instruction in teaching Technology and Livelihood Education for grade eight students of Lagundi-CLL National High School, School Year 2019-2020. The researcher employed experimental method of research utilizing sixty-four (64) Grade 8 students divided equally to experimental and control groups as respondents. The two groups of respondents had shown similar performance in the start of the experiment, and both groups improved their performance during the posttest, almost similar performance also was noted in the posttest although more respondents from the experimental group performed Very Satisfactorily. There was no significant difference on the level of performance in TLE of the two groups of respondents to Multimedia Assisted Instruction as revealed in the pretest and posttest. There was a significant difference on the level of performance in TLE of the experimental and control groups to multimedia assisted instruction and there is no significant difference on the level of performance in the pretest and posttest of the students in terms of their profile. Furthermore, the recommendations offered included such that the teachers may continuously use varying teaching strategies and instructional materials like multimedia assisted instruction in teaching TLE and suitable instructional materials that would encourage them to focus and learn shall always be utilized by the teachers.


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