HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 5 no. 12 (2022)

Utilization of Hands-On Robotic Program to Engage and Strengthen High School Students’ Participation in STEM Education

Marlon P. Sta.catalina | Nanette S. Sta.Catalina | Romulo Arada

Discipline: Education



The robotics program presents schools with a good chance to encourage the integration of reading and writing instruction with presenting skills, research, and creative thinking. To put it briefly, this program equips students for the workforce of the twenty-first century. This paper reports on a study that examined the use of a science and technology approach based on robotics to increase and strengthen the level of engagement in STEM courses. Demographic variables were measured to identify the factors that affect the learning process. The study examined and compared the pretest and posttest examination scores of the respondents before and after exposing to robotics program. The pre-test MPS of the examination on robotics was 35.46% and post-test examination with 82.99% MPS. The MPS examination increased with 47.53%. Fifty three respondents or (66.25%) were nonscience courses and twenty seven respondents or (33.75%) were science courses during the presurvey and 75% of science courses, 2.5% were non-science courses and 22.5% were undecided during the post survey as their preferred course in college. The program had a significant increase in MPS of the examination and strengthen the level of engagement into STEM courses.


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